Just in time for the NEW YEAR
Starting in January GET FIT on SUNDAY mornings at 11 am. Giving you more opportunities to Get Fit for the New Year

We have been enjoying our Get Fit on Saturday mornings, but wanted to expand into Sunday mornings!!! In case you aren't a big morning person, 11 am GET FIT is just the thing for you. Getting into our bodies and building strength will help you feel ready for the week ahead. Every Sunday we will regain flexibilitiy, heal old injuries and train our bodies to be strong.
And if you feel the urge you are welcome to have training weekends with me both Saturday at 9am AND Sunday at 11am.
Classes available at the Pia Bouman School of Ballet and Creative Movement
For Registration
Telephone: 416-533-3706
Email: info@piaboumanschool.org
For more info: