Ana Claudette Groppler is a dance artist based in Toronto. A Canadian and German Citizen raised by lesbians and extended family from different cultural backgrounds (German, Jamaican, and Gwich'in First Nations), Ana is surrounded by a spiritual family. A graduate of The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, Groppler has worked with Social Growl Dance, Political Movement, wind in the leaves collective, Signal Theatre, Lara Kramer Danse, Kaeja d’Dance, Peggy Baker Dance Projects, Kemi Contemporary Dance Projects, and Fiona Griffiths. Onstage Ana transforms audiences with her magic, bringing them out of their skin and back again. Groppler has performed her own work in shows with Dance Matters, Nextfest, and the Parahumans. She has performed internationally including Mexico, Berlin, and Edinburgh.
Photography by Liz Marshall